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AVIS • Jetsetter  -  App screen design / End-frame design / On-set direction
I was part of the creative team that developed this spot from initial concept to the final product. While filming, we put the re-designed (for TV) app screens in the photos of the iPhone and then they were animated in post production. 
AVIS • Travel Partner  -  App screen design / End-frame design / On-set direction
I was part of the creative team that developed this spot from initial concept to the final product. While filming, we put the re-designed (for TV) app screens in the photos of the iPhone and then they were animated in post production. 
AVIS • App Screen Design  
I was the lead designer tasked with creating the look and feel of the all new Avis App. These are some of the initial layouts that I created in collaboration with another designer and our agency partners, Jay Arnold and Steve Ohler.
Avis App Design
Avis App Design
Avis App Design
Avis App Design
Avis App Design
Avis App Design
Avis App Design
Avis App Design
Avis App Design
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